Documents for Keyword: 1940s
2014.003.3782 The worf at Nakusp
2014.003.3779 Vernon Soules
2014.003.3716 Flood, Fauquier, 1948
2014.003.3715 Flood, Fauquier, 1948
2014.003.3714 Flood, Needles, 1948
2014.003.3690 Charlie Campe, 2nd war
2014.003.3684 Nakusp 1941
2014.003.3683 Nakusp Hot Springs 1941
2014.003.3659 Frank & Jack Benton, 2nd war
2014.003.3653 Cecil Rawlings
2014.003.3629 Rushton Hardware truck used to haul band to Burton
2014.003.3623 Bill skiing (water)
2014.003.3612 Bill Rushton, first waterskiing in Nakusp, 1940s
2014.003.3611 Ready for auction sale
2014.003.3610 Bill, Rob Mayoh.
2014.003.3585 Forestry boat, 1940, Wilson Lake
2014.003.3584 Cabin, Wilson Lake
2014.003.3580 Bell Pole, Nakusp, 1940s, George Johnson, Art Dunn
2014.003.3579 Car of poles, Bell Pole, Nakusp, 1940s
2014.003.3578 John Nesbitt Bell Cat, 1942