Documents for Keyword: 1930s
2024.21.18 Bernie Ford
2024.21.17 Portrait of Bernie Ford
2024.21.14 Eddie McGauley
2024.21.12 Alice and Stan
2024.21.10 Alice 1931
2024.21.4 Alice Fowler
2023.027.013.23 John Nelson Jr. petting dog
2023.027.013.22 John Nelson Jr. standing in the snow
2023.027.013.20 Dad picking plums
2023.027.013.19 Dad standing in corn patch
2023.027.013.18 Dad with cows
2023.027.013.15 Dad with ducks
2023.027.013.14 Dad with snowshoes
2024.01.02 Rhuie Hamer and her dog, Prince
2023.027.009.169 Nelson family in their home
2023.027.009.163 Galena Bay community hall picnic
2023.027.009.158 Dog mascot at train station
2023.027.009.153 Car on the Needles Ferry
2023.027.009.150 The Nelson family and others
2023.027.009.141 Nelson family moving shed