Documents for Keyword: 1920s
2024.21.168 Edgewood disposal site
2024.21.165 Edgewood Hotel
2024.21.164 Fitz Jordan and Ralf Briggerman
2024.21.160 Road camp on the monashee
2024.21.151 Charles Nesbitt
2024.21.149 Marvel and Margie
2024.21.148 Belle Nesbitt
2024.21.147 Harry Nesbitt at camp
2024.21.126 Bern and Yvonne
2024.21.121 Log Dump at Inoaklin Creek
2024.21.117 Ford House
2024.21.116 Ford House
2024.21.115 Ford House
2024.21.114 Ford House
2024.21.112 Bern Ford 1924
2024.21.107 Dorothy Belcher
2024.21.103 Sybil Ford
2024.21.102 Dorothy and grandmother
2024.21.101 Jackie, Dorothy and Alf
2024.21.100 Dorothy Belcher