Documents for Donor: Wilf Hewat
2018.027.16.261 Marie & Dick Blyth The Ledge
2018.027.16.260 The Ledge
2018.027.16.259 Mountain crevice, Mount Symons, 1975
2018.027.16.258 Mount Fosthall from Mount Symons, 1975
2018.027.16.253 Near Grand Forks via Edgewood
2018.027.16.225 Flowers blooming in alpine meadow, Sandon/Zincton area, ca. June-July 1974
2018.027.16.223 Whitewater Mountain area, 1974
2018.027.16.222 Whitewater Mountain, 1974
2018.027.16.221 Whitewater Mountain, 1974
2018.027.16.217 Mount Holmes from Utica Mine, 1974
2018.027.16.216 Old compressor, Utica Mine, 1974
2018.027.16.215 Old compressor, Utica Mine, 1974
2018.027.16.214 Paddy Peak above Utica Mine, 1974
2018.027.16.213 Mineral desposits, Mount Symons, 1974
2018.027.16.211 Cabin construction, Mount Symons, 1974
2018.027.16.210 Cabin construction, Mount Symons, 1974
2018.027.16.207 Margie Lake and Mount Fosthall, 1974
2018.027.16.205 Log across creek, Mount Symons, 1974