Documents for Donor: Doris Johnson
2014.003.3177 Phil Buesnel, Clem Buesnel, Nakusp Fair, 1914-15
2014.003.3176 Japanese Orchard, New Denver, B. C.
2014.003.3175 Arrow Lakes Lumber Co., 1912
2014.003.3174 Crowell’s carpenter shop
2014.003.3173 First house on Home Ranch, Tom Abriel
2014.003.3172 Mrs. Ackerman, Rhuie, Mrs. E.C. Johnson, Jack Bailey
2014.003.3171 Jack Bailey, Jack Clark, 1st Co-op, Nakusp
2014.003.3170 Minto at Nakusp, June 14-56
2014.003.3169 Forward lounge, Minto
2014.003.3168 Rice cottage
2014.003.3167 Harvey family
2014.003.3166 Glenbank Church 1908, before bush cleared
2014.003.3165 Fred Rice & Tom Abriel clearing the first owned ranch at Glenbank, “Alpha Ranch”, later owned by Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Johnson
2014.003.3164 Machine for raising animals after slaughter
2014.003.3163 Ernest William Bill, May Bill, Glenbank
2014.003.3162 Arrival of Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Johnson in Canada 1910
2014.003.3161 John Nelson with SS Minto, July 1967
2014.003.3160 Mr. & Mrs. Truscott & Len
2014.003.3159 Harvey family
2014.003.3158 Mr. Harvey’s father