Paddle steamer wheel

Arrow Lakes
Historical Society

2014.003.842 Large group at Leary’s

: 2014.003.842

: A46-8


: 1950-- - 1959--

: Grace Hakeman

: 1950s, Hakeman; Grace (Jordan), Harris; Molly (Islip), Islip; Ralph, Jordan-Williams; Blanche, Jordan; Alma, Jordan; Genevieve (Cutler), Jordan; Howell, Jordan; Norma, Jordan; Ron, Leary; Bessie Florence (Jordan), MacLeod; John, Messenger-Hakeman; William George 'James', Morehouse; Evelyn, Morehouse; Jerry, Murphy; Harry, Murphy; Winnie (Jordan), and Williams; Bill

: Nakusp

1 b/w negative (35 mm)

Large group portrait, living room of Florence Leary, Nakusp, ca. 1950s. TOP (l-r): James Hakeman, Harry Murphy, Grace Hakeman, Norma Jordan, Alice ?, Winnie Murphy, Bill Williams, Jerry Morehouse. MID: Evelyn Morehouse, Howell Jordan, Florence Leary, ?, Blanche Jordan-Williams, ?, Genevieve Jordan, Molly Harris. BOT: John MacLeod, Ralph Islip, Ron Jordan, Alma Jordan.

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