Documents for Creator: Lily Grimmett
2016.038.5.141 Arnold & Violet
2016.038.5.140 Violet & Florence Sept. 15 1936
2016.038.5.139 Violet Armstrong
2016.038.5.137 Leone, Jackie & Louise Allard
2016.038.5.130 James W. Robertson
2016.038.5.129 C&R Ranch
2016.038.5.127 Mrs Hannah Porter on bridge at Burton
2016.038.5.122 July 1st 1941
2016.038.5.121 Carroll’s Ldg. packing house
2016.038.5.119 Waldie’s tug, Burton ball park
2016.038.5.118 Waldies tug (Allan Keffer, skipper), Huberts house
2016.038.5.115 Miss Staniforth and her car with Baysil Robertson.
2016.038.5.114 Lance Porter, The Retreat, Burton, B.C.
2016.038.5.113 Kelly 1943
2016.038.5.112 Robertson’s
2016.038.5.111 Burton – Guidons Strachans
2016.038.5.109 Arrow Lakes Cons. Co-Op
2016.038.5.108 Effie Porter
2016.038.5.107 Burton
2016.038.5.100 Clark Marshall