Documents for Creator: Emily Slade
970.32.9.107 Jackson party leaving Demars after their holiday, 1920
970.32.9.106 Log House on frontage West Demars B.C.
970.32.9.105 Our Garden & Ruby Range
970.32.9.103 Mrs. Kennard
970.32.9.102 Katie, Lewisham, 1921
970.32.9.101 Two Little Pugsley’s paddling, 1919
970.32.9.100 Sutherland family & Nephew, W. Demars, 1919
970.32.9.99 Marion Sutherland & Cousin Ernest 1919
970.32.9.97 A Mixed bag./Duck/Diver/Gull
970.32.9.96 Little Pugsley’s at their northern home, 1918
970.32.9.94 Alice May, Trail, 1921
970.32.9.93 keep smiling
970.32.9.92 Canned fish, from Arrow Lake
970.32.9.91 Elsie Tuff and her chum
970.32.9.90 Teddy May age seven months, Trail 1921
970.32.9.89 Mr. Reads Buggy on Bridge St West Demars
970.32.9.88 old Duke
970.32.9.87 G. Wortley, Ernest & Jack Pierre after a tramp to and from Nakusp, 16 miles
970.32.9.86 West Demars children on wharf on departure of May’s family for Trail, 1918
970.32.9.84 Mrs. Wortley, West Demars, ca. mid-1910s