2016.003.19 Hydro Nakusp dist. ofc. wins Bill Best Award 1990

Accession Num: 2016.003.19

Negative Code:


Document Date: 1990-- - --

Donors: Milton Parent

Keywords: 1990s, Ball; Wayne, BC Hydro, BC Hydro office (Nakusp), Bonacci; George, Brinkman; Wayne, Callewaert; Don, Demosky; Jeff, Jansen; Teresa (Walker), McCreesh; Rob, Orr; Ernie, Parent; Rosemarie (Portelance), and Roberts; Betty

Locations: Nakusp

Physical Description:
1 colour photograph (15.2 cm x 10.1 cm)

Nakusp BC Hydro employees pose in front of their office with BC Hydro's W.A. Best Community Service Award, 7th Avenue NW, Nakusp, 1990. TOP(l-r): Ernie Orr, George Bonacci, Wayne Ball, Rob McCreesh, Teresa Jansen. BOT: Betty Roberts, Jeff Demosky, Rosemarie Parent, Don Callewaert, Wayne Brinkman