2014.018.2774 Here are some of the senior figure skaters of the Nakusp Figure Skating Club

Accession Num: 2014.018.2774

Negative Code: S1188-6


Document Date: 1974-03-17 - --

Donors: Denis Stanley

Creators: Denis Stanley

Keywords: 1970s, Callow; Patti (Desrochers), Jansen; Laurie, Metcalfe; Karen, Nakusp & District Sports Centre (1970-78), Nakusp Figure Skating Club, skating, Stevens; Sharon, and White; Tracy

Locations: Nakusp

Physical Description:
1 b/w negative (60 mm)

Senior figure skaters lined up on ice in costumes, Nakusp & District Sports Centre, 17 March 1974. L-R: Tracy White, Karen Metcalfe, Patti Desrochers, Laurie Jansen, Sharon Stevens.