2014.003.2716 Gardner family

Accession Num: 2014.003.2716

Negative Code: C11-32


Document Date: 1948-04-06 - --

Donors: Amy Denholm

Keywords: 1940s, Denholm; Amy (Gardner), Dougan; Maude (Gardner), Gardner; Hubert Gifford 'Bert', Gardner; Hunter Jr., Gardner; Hunter Sr., Gardner; Joe, Gardner; Maud (Williams), Gardner; Smith, Hughes; Hildred (Gardner), Pearson; Helen (Gardner), wedding anniversary, and Williams; Betty (Gardner)

Locations: Nakusp

Physical Description:
1 b/w negative (35 mm)

Gardner family posing in front of house on 50th wedding anniversary of Hunter Gardner Sr. and Maud Gardner, Nakusp, 6 April 1948. TOP (l-r): Helen Gardner, Betty Gardner, Smith Gardner, Joe Gardner. BOT: Amy Gardner, Hunter Gardner Jr., Maud Gardner, Hunter Gardner Sr., Bert Gardner, Maude Gardner, Hildred Gardner.