2003.026.386 Nakusp Base Ball Team

Accession Num: 2003.026.386

Negative Code:


Document Date: 1916-- - --

Donors: Grace Hakeman and Milton Parent

Creators: George W. Jordan

Keywords: 1910s, Anthony; George, baseball, Bulger; Val, Herridge; Norman Archibald 'Archie', Jordan; George, Jordan; Howell, Learmouth; Rev., Leveque; Hercule 'Eric', Nakusp baseball team, Nakusp Recreation Park, Sutherland; Bob, and Sutherland; Frank

Locations: Nakusp

Physical Description:
1 b/w photograph (9.0 cm x 6.3 cm)

Nakusp Leland Hotel baseball team portrait, 1916. TOP:George Jordan, Bob Sutherland, Howell Jordan, Archie Herridge, Rev. Learmouth, Frank Sutherland, George Anthony. BOT:Val Bulger, Eric Leveque.