2003.026.178 Kathleen Fowler birthday, Feb. 1921

Accession Num: 2003.026.178

Negative Code: C28-3/C44-16/G23-30A


Document Date: 1921-02- - --

Donors: Lewis Brown, Milton Parent, and Molly Harris

Keywords: 1920s, Barrow; Edith (Pratt), birthday, Burk; Edith (Durkin), Bush; Myrtle, Bush; Winnie, Cowan; Dorothy 'Dorie' (Evans), Cusick; Louise, Davidson; Elsie (Mayoh), Fowler; Kathleen 'Kay', Freeman; Grace, Gigot; Eunice (Carruthers; Short), Giraud; Alice, Harris; Molly (Islip), Howarth; Jessie (Ion), Hurry; Edith (Dilley), Johnson; Nellie (Horrey), Lamerton; Nellie, Mills; Helen, Mills; Inez, Murphy; Winnie (Jordan), Sutherland; Elsie, Will; Mona (Lamerton), and Williams; Betty (Gardner)

Locations: Nakusp

Physical Description:
1 b/w photograph (14.4 cm x 9.4 cm)

Group of girls posing in snow at Kay Fowler's birthday party, Nakusp, February 1921. TOP(l-r): Betty Gardner, Helen Mills, Dorie Evans, Edith Dilley, Inez Mills, Grace Freeman, Elsie Sutherland, Winnie Jordan, Alice Giraud, Edith Durkin, Molly Islip, Edith Pratt. BOT: Nellie Horrey, Myrtle Bush, Mona Lamerton, Louise Cusick, Eunice Carruthers, Kay Fowler, Jessie Ion, Elsie Mayoh, Winnie Bush, Nellie Lamerton.