2001.037.159 CGIT.

Accession Num: 2001.037.159

Negative Code:


Document Date: 1951-- - --

Donors: Milton Parent and Molly Harris

Keywords: 1950s, 409 Broadway Street W, Brown; Nellie (How), Canadian Girls In Training, Henke; Betty (Miller), Marks; Joan (Brown), McClure; Edythe (Hartley), Millward; Clara, Opera House (Nakusp), and Robinson; Shirley

Locations: Nakusp

Physical Description:
1 b/w photograph (17.7 cm x 12.8 cm)

Performers on stage, Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) concert, Opera House, 409 Broadway Street W, Nakusp, 1951. L-R: Joan Brown (area leader), Betty Miller (area leader), Edythe Hartley (leader), Clara Millward (director), Nellie Brown (accompanist), Shirley Robinson (accompanist).